
How Sales Shame Kills Your Prospecting — and How to Stop it

How do you feel when a salesperson prospects you?  Come on, fess us — because your candid answer to that question may hold the key to whether or not you’ll become wildly successful.  Do you feel irritated and annoyed when a salesperson prospects or attempts to sell you?  If you do, you may have what’s been termed as  Role Rejection Call Reluctance.  This type of call reluctance is fueled by feelings of shame about selling or even outright denial that selling is part of your job.

When salespeople associate selling with negative emotions, that association can’t help but be carry into your own prospecting.  Why?  Because when you veiw other salespeople in a bad light, some part of your brain (even if you’re not aware of it) projects that viewpoint onto others, including yourself.

Successful salespeople are comfortable in their role.  They are emotionally connected to their value they provide.

Role rejecting salespeople usually do not fully believe in their product or service that they are offering or they don’t feel it has high value.  If you are ashamed of what you do, you need to either change jobs, develop an authentic value proposition and/or shift your perspective about selling.

Connie Kadansky Sales Expert Connie Kadansky specializes in coaching salespeople of all types through their Sales Call Reluctance issues.  [email protected] or 602-380-5431