
Sales Call Reluctance Workshop

Description Of  the Sales Call Reluctance Sales Workshop:

Call for sales Call Reluctance WorkshopThe Sales Call Reluctance Workshop combines an eight-hour seminar with a four-week follow-up program. “Fear-Free Sales Prospecting and Self-Promotion Workshop®” is based on the best-selling book, The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance, by internationally noted behavioral scientists George W. Dudley and Shannon L. Goodson.

With many training programs, it is difficult — if not impossible — to measure their efficacy in terms of enhanced knowledge, implementation of that knowledge, and increased revenue for the company as a result of implementing that knowledge.

The Fear-Free Sales Prospecting program not only addresses the five levels of anticipated business results, but it uses state-of-the-art delivery and follow through tools, including but not limited to individual assessments, evaluations, goal sheets, coach call prep sheets, personalized one-one-one coaching and online blending coaching, to provide proven and demonstrated results in these areas:

Level 1: Reaction – Feedback from participants regarding the likeability of the program.
Level 2: Learning – A measure of the knowledge acquired, emotional skills improved, and attitudes changed due to the training.
Level 3: Behavior – A study of how well participants took what they learned and transferred it to their day-to-day prospecting activities.
Level 4: Results – A gauge of how applying the new skills caused phone and prospecting activities to actually increase.
Level 5: ROI – Bottom-line proof that the participants’ improved prospecting impacted the business in terms of actual dollars earned.

Download the full course outline and benefitsDowndload Sales Call Reluctance Course Outline

The Sales Call Reluctance course includes our flagship assessment, the SPQ® Gold Assessment. The only test in the world specifically engineered to detect and measure all twelve types of Sales Call Reluctance®, call reluctance impostors, and more.

YouTube video

“Why You Need  the Only Assessment in the World that Measures Sales Call Reluctance.”

Sales Call Reluctance® is a registered trademark of Behavioral Sciences Research Press, Inc.